
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sing Along

Sing Along
(For Pete Seeger)

Sing with a purpose and
sing with delight.
Sing in the daytime and
into the night.

Sing songs that are old and
songs that are new and
maybe even songs
written by you.

Sing songs about flowers and
songs with a turn and 
songs that ring out to
ensure they’ll be heard.

Sing anywhere with 
whomever you choose and
stand up for freedoms too
precious to lose.

Sing in his memory.
Sing out strong.
Sing together.
Sing along.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014



Reach and pull
Reach and pull
Hold tight enough so
you don't slip back

Reach and pull
Reach and pull
Loose enough so
the bark won't scratch

Reach and pull
Reach and pull
Think of all 
the sights you'll see

Reach and pull
Reach and pull
Before you know it,
you're up a tree.

Thanks to Janice Sheridan for this week's Wordsmith Studio Prompt-Up. What's up with you? Post a link to your response to the prompt in the comments on the blog post.

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cry, Baby

Cry, Baby

Cry, baby.
Tears are not
 a sign of weakness.
They reflect the strength
of the emotion
that brought them on.

Cry, baby.
Tears are cleansing.
They flush out toxins,
both physical
and psychological.

Cry, baby.
Don’t worry about
what others will think.
When you feel the need,
let the tears come.
Cry, baby, cry.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Duality of Starting

The Duality of Starting

Learn from those who came before.

Lead us into the future.

Thanks to Dana Dampier for this week's Wordsmith Studio Prompt-Beginnings. What words and images do beginnings bring to mind for you. Create in your genre or medium of choice and post a link in the comments on the blog post.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

They Stood with Him

They Stood with Him

Those who were used
to standing on stage
now stood on streets
and marched.

The issues were
too important 
not to take part.
The freedom to:
eat anywhere
stay anywhere
live anywhere
play anywhere.

The ability to
walk in the front door or
sit in the audience
wherever you chose.
To be heard by
black and white alike
during the same shows.

They stood with him
until the day he died.
Then, they mourned and cried.
They didn’t have to ask why.

They remembered him
in prayer and song.
They remembered him
as they carried on.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Moonlight Matinee

Moonlight Matinee

Yesterday's moon was
visible in the afternoon.
A white light
surrounded by blue sky.
Not at full wattage, but
bright enough to
remind the sun that
something else could shine.

Do you notice the moon when it is visible in daylight? What is your reaction when you see it?

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Night Flight

Night Flight

Outside the window
Stark darkness
Absence of illumination
No moon
No stars
No lights
Is anything out there?
Suddenly, in the
upper left-hand corner,
a rhythmic flash appears
that seems to say
wing, wing, wing.

Do you like to fly at night and glide through the darkness or do you prefer to be surrounded by blue sky?

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Holding On

Holding On

Can something last too long?
Remain past the time
it should have been gone?
The leaf that hangs onto the tree
after all others have blown free.
Feelings we keep deep inside
instead of letting them subside.
We think persistence is always good, but
we might be better off if we understood
that sometimes it is necessary to let go.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Inner Space

Inner Space

Where new worlds
get started
The source of