
Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Confrontation

The Confrontation

The angry honking
shattered the quiet
of the golf course.
The goose ran to
intercept the interloper.
Was the intruder
a rival, a predator
or an outcast?
The fierce charge said,
"I'll do anything to
keep you away."
The target of 
the tirade looked
resigned, made
a tentative stand
then turned and
walked away.
Quiet was restored.

Have you witnessed any fights among animals? Have you written about them?


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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I Can't Resist

I Can't Resist

coffee in the morning.
a mystery story.
searching for the
bird that sings.
the sound of the
club when I swing.
taking a walk
along the beach.
picking up shells
within my reach.
watching the
sunset anywhere.
staring at the moon
because it's there.

What do you find irresistible?


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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Cracks in the Ice

Cracks in the Ice

Small lines appear
on the smooth surface.
Increase in size
and number.
The fractures
create a design
encased for display.
The sun sets the
date of the closing.

Do you see beauty in winter weather?


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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

To Those I Mourn

To Those I Mourn

Are you in the same place?
Do you look down from above?
Are you surrounded by love?

Was our time together
part of one of many lives?
Have you returned to
this world already?
How many times?

Do you dwell only
in the hearts of those
who love you?
Are you brought to life
when we speak your names
or tell your stories again and again?

I know the answers must remain mysteries.
I'll just have to wait and see.


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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Before Sunrise

Before Sunrise

Before sunrise,
The darkness
is blinding.

Before sunrise,
the quiet
is too loud.

Before sunrise,
I lie awake,
destined to start
another day
before sunrise.

When you wake up before the alarm goes off, do you fight to go back to sleep or give in and get up?


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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Door

The Door

What is it
like to stand
in the shadow
of beauty
day after day?
How does it feel
to be the plain
backdrop that
enhances the
Do you tire of
the endless admirers
who come so close
but don't notice you?
Why don't you
open up and
reveal what's
going on inside?

I almost passed over this picture because of the door in the background. Instead, I made the door the subject of the poem. How do you work around what might be perceived as a stumbling block?


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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Just in Time

Just in Time

Hands are cold.
Time to go in.
What's the brown
spot in the tree?
Probably a nest,
but better go see.
The hawk faces
away from me.
 Do I have time
to get in front of it?
Start taking pictures
now in case it
gets spooked.
Wait. The head
is turning.
Keep coming.
Make eye contact.

Have you seen something just in time to take a photograph?


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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Sky High

Sky High

I sit
high in
the sky.
Sip drinks.
Skim lines.
White flecks
I witness
the sight.
Drift, drift.
Let sleep
set in.

How do you like to pass the time during a flight?  Are you happy to have the option of staying connected by having  WiFi available?


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