
Thursday, April 27, 2017



I have faith in poetry.
When I read it, I am sure
to connect with others of
a like mind or to find
someone who enables me
to see from a different view.
I write it in the hope that
it may do the same for you.

The prompt for this poem is faith.

Today is Poem in Your Pocket Day. Share poetry.


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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Squirrel and The Hawk

The Squirrel and The Hawk

The squirrel was out hunting acorns.
He spied a beautiful oak tree with
many acorns scattered within
a few feet of its trunk.
As the squirrel approached,
he noticed a hawk sitting
on one of the branches.
Since the bird was facing
in the opposite direction,
the squirrel decided he
could proceed with caution.
He became more bold as
he glanced up and still saw
the bird's back.
Suddenly, the hawk swooped
down and carried off the squirrel.
The little rodent didn't notice the
bird's head turning toward him while
it's body remained stationary.
The moral of the story is--you
never no when a situation may
take a turn for the worse.

You may have guessed that the prompt was to write a fable.

April 27 is Poem in Your Pocket Day. Share poetry!


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Thursday, April 20, 2017



I have trouble writing sonnets.
Why?  Can't quite put my finger on it.
Maybe writing in the shadow of The Bard
is what makes the form so hard.
The lines are a bit long for my taste.
The effort I have to put into them seems a waste.

When I try to write iambic verse,
my mind spouts trochaic, just the reverse.
I'm supposed to write 14 lines,
but I wind up long with 15 or short with nine.
I can't seem to meet all the requirements.
I may put writing sonnets into retirement.

The one feature on which I can depend
is the rhyming couplet at the end.

This was written for one of the Two-for-Tuesday prompts in the Poem-A-Day Challenge. Do you like working with forms? Why or why not?


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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Dance Haiku

Trees dance in the storm.
With the wind as bandleader,
the rhythm comes in gusts.

In recognition of International Haiku Poetry Day yesterday, I wrote a haiku for the prompt--dance.


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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Staying Home

Staying Home

From up in space,
the beings look
at earth.
See the waste,
the destruction
taking place.
They put off
the invasion.
No landing
spot seems safe.

This is another poem written for the Poetic Asides Poem-A-Day Challenge.


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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

So Gray

So Gray

The days have been so gray.
I think we've lost the sun.
Has it gone away to stay?
The days have been so gray.
I have no energy to weigh
the consequences for everyone.
The days have been so gray.
I think we've lost the sun.

This poem was written for the Poetic Asides Poem-A-Day Challenge. The form is the triolet.


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Thursday, April 6, 2017


The bud opens wide
with a yawn that shows all it
holds. See what unfolds.


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Tuesday, April 4, 2017



The flower is withered.
Dry and brittle, its color gone.
Most that bloomed when
it did have let go.
This one sits and
watches the green
sprout around it.
It doesn't fear the fall
but won't hasten it either.
Not while it still enjoys the view.

Is your National Poetry Month off to a good start? What are you writing? Who are you reading?


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