
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Slipped Away

Slipped Away

The feather
simply lets go.
Whatever held
it to the body
doesn't anymore.

There was no attack.
This happened as
a matter of course.
Does the body know
what has slipped away?


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

See the Shadow

See the Shadow

See the shadow
sit below the
object it forms.

Caused by railing
that appears to
release a slice

that then reclines.
The sunlight as
artist shows through.

This form is the novem, invented by Robin Skelton.


Thursday, February 20, 2020

Not So Easy

Not So Easy

The line that looked so straight
begins to disintegrate.

From beginning to end,
it shakes and bends.

The path that seemed easy
makes me queasy.

If I want to continue this trip,
I have to navigate the dips.


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Out On a Limb

Out On a Limb

The birds sit in a
familiar place, but
at this time of year,
it's an open space.

No leaves to provide
cover or a break from
the wind. Still, the
birds choose to stay
out on a limb.


Thursday, February 13, 2020

Love at First Sight

Love at First Sight

As I walked into
the nursery, a
patch of red
caught my eye.
I went straight
towards it.
Sitting in a corner
was a deep red
The color was
beautiful, and
it made the petals
look velvety.
I was smitten.

We have been
together for
several years now.
The flower has
survived my fawning
and my neglect.
Every spring, I
wait for the
buds to open.
When I see the
color, as bril-
liant as ever,
I am still
drawn to it.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Same Path

The Same Path

If we all
take the same path, the
footprints may
the space  and cause destruction.
Carve out some new trails.

This is a Spanish form called shadorma.


Thursday, February 6, 2020

Behind the Clouds

Behind the Clouds

I see the sun behind the clouds.
Is it moving deep under their
cover, light fading as it goes?
Or, is it working its way out
so its light shines bright?
The answer will reveal itself
if I have the patience to watch.


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

From the Center

From the Center

What radiates from the center?

How do they unfold?

What do they form together?

What remains their own?

The use of long and short lines, and questions and answers was inspired by the Spanish form ovillejo. There are other requirements of the form that I didn't use.
