
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Poetry and Photography

About a year ago, I decided to get a new camera. I hadn't been taking many pictures in recent years, but I thought I might try to take some to pair with poems I had already written. As I began taking pictures, I found myself writing new poems inspired by some of those pictures. That is ekphrastic poetry-poetry inspired by visual art.

Last week, I visited my brother and sister-in-law in Ontario. We walked some beautiful nature trails. The poem below isn't really an ekphrastic because it was inspired by the walk. However, I knew I had a photograph that would go with it.

The Climb

The path appears
straight at first,
narrow but smooth.
It turns toward the trees,
filled with exposed roots
and hanging branches.
It will take you to the brink.
When you look over the edge,
the beauty of the valley unfolds.

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  1. I love the photo! It matches the poem so well. So awesome!

    1. Thanks, Sopphey. Vacations are wonderful things!

    2. Perfect match. I, too, enjoy pairing pics and poetry. I can be lots of fun. Thanks for sharing yours.

  2. That is really good, Michelle! I love the tone, kind of in awe of the beauty unfolding in front of you.

    Well done!!
    Becca ;)

  3. Beautiful! And thanks for the education: "ekphrastic poetry" -- I had never heard that term before. Thanks for making me smarter! And for linking up with the TALU!

    1. You are welcome, Anne. I must warn you-ekphrastic poetry may be addictive!

  4. I know this sounds silly, but it's been years since I've read poems with photos to accompany them. What a nice experience! Thanks for sharing both the photo and the poem with us!

    (PS- Found you through TALU)

    1. Thanks, Emily. Drawing inspiration from visual art and combining words with visual art is now a significant portion of my work. (TALU

  5. Hello. Popping in via the #TALU. Love that you can take two things that give you joy and combine them in that way, drawing inspiration from each. :)

    1. Hi, Chris. I have to say I've been a little suprised by how much I have been taken in by the visual. I really enjoy the combination. (TALU)

  6. That IS a beautiful picture. I think I would be inspired to write poetry more often I had some landscapes to shoot. You did a nice job with both. Visiting via TALU.

    1. Thanks, Kenya. That is a lovely spot that my family showed me. (TALU)

  7. Lovely! Thanks so much for sharing this post on TALU. We hope you'll join us again next week.

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I'm grateful that Anne Kimball introduced her Wordsmith Studio friends to TALU. I'll be back!
