
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday Photo-Metal

Believe it or not, this tower is one of my favorite things to photograph on my morning walks. I took a new picture of it for this week's Wordsmith Studio Photo Prompt-Metal, provided by Rebecca Barray.
Early in the morning and during warmer weather, this is a great stopping place for birds. I've seen a lone bird sitting atop it desparately calling for company. I've also seen rows and rows of birds on several  levels.
I also like to take pictures of shapes. Break a single entity into different shapes or find shapes created by the positions of multiple entities. I love taking pictures of the various triangles, diamonds and other shapes visible in different portions of the tower.
It's not too late to join the fun!  Take a picture of something metal then go to the prompt and post a link to your photo in the comments.
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  1. Looking at this took me back to being a kid again ... I used to stare at those things intensely on car trips. During the day I just knew they could move; at night I was convinced they were giants. Thanks for the memory-raiser!! This is a great shot!

    1. You're welcome, Khara. Sounds like the outline for a sci-fi novel to me!
