
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

An Apology to Rachel Carson

An Apology to Rachel Carson

I want to be one of
the first to apologize.
You could not have tried
any harder, working
against the hands
of Death's clock.
And, after some resistance,
it seemed that your
message had gotten through.
But now, I am sorry
to tell you that more
threats have arisen.
Decades after your
work and in a
different century,
the good done by
the movement you
sparked may be undone.
We will return to polluted
rivers and streams,
chemically-poisoned land fills
and, of course, oil spills.
I apologize that,
somehow, we let our
guard down and didn't
see the turnaround coming.
I do pledge that neither spring
nor any of the other seasons
will be silent--our voices
will create a buzz.


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