
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hard to Hear

The third Sunday of every month, a group meets at The Writers Place and discusses a different writer. This month's subject was Anne Sexton. The first time I did a search of her name, I found the following quote:

"Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard."

Today's post was inspired by that quote. The writing process was facilitated by some awesome singers and musicians I went to hear on St. Patrick's Day.

Hard to Hear

Listen close to your soul.
You can hear a voice
of perfect pitch
and soothing tone.
It speaks to
your every need.
Encourages your
wildest dreams.
Reveals your
deepest beliefs.
Listen hard, and
if you do;
you will hear the voice
that is truly you.


  1. Got to the end and said,"Mmmm." Like "mmm good". Loved it! TALU

  2. Hmmmm, I need to make some changes. Maybe I've been listening with the wrong ear? ;) [#TALU]
