Thursday, July 29, 2021
Make Waves

Tuesday, July 27, 2021
The Color Fades
The Color Fades
The color fades.
the color fades.
This form is the skinny.
Buttonwood Art Space Artist Profile-View My Art
Ekphrasis and Photography: An Interview With Michelle Pond
Place of Peace Feb. 19-Aug. 6
Place of Peace Digital Exhibition Catalog

Thursday, July 22, 2021
On Your Way
On Your Way
You are on your way.
The end point not yet clear.
Move forward each day.
Sometimes the path will veer.
Ride out the delay.
Your arrival time is near.
Buttonwood Art Space Artist Profile-View My Art
Ekphrasis and Photography: An Interview With Michelle Pond

Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Tough to See
I find it tough to see
things right in front of me.
At times, that is meant to be.
Nature builds in this shield.
Otherwise, I hold the key.
Choose to reject what is revealed.
I used the stanza length and rhyme scheme from the Burns stanza.
Buttonwood Art Space Artist Profile-View My Art
Ekphrasis and Photography: An Interview With Michelle Pond

Thursday, July 15, 2021
Natural Surprises
Natural Surprises
I walk the same path.
Watch the same trees.
The surroundings are all
too familiar to me.
When I think I've seen
all there is to see,
Mother Nature surprises me.
Buttonwood Art Space Artist Profile-View My Art
Ekphrasis and Photography: An Interview With Michelle Pond

Tuesday, July 13, 2021
When did the cracks appear?
They weren't always here.
The change happened over time.
I didn't notice, the lines were so fine.
Thin splits become wide.
Create a great divide.
One that is on display.
One that will not go away.
Buttonwood Art Space Artist Profile-View My Art

Wednesday, July 7, 2021
The Difference Grows
The Difference Grows
The newborn ducklings
look alike to me.
Even as they begin grow,
they still look the same.
Then, one day, colors
on some start to change.
The difference grows.
Buttonwood Art Space Artist Profile-View My Art

Tuesday, July 6, 2021
New Spaces
New Spaces
Do not avoid new spaces.
There are so many places.
You've yet to find their graces.
Don't be afraid to explore.
Might find something you abhor.
Could find something you adore.
There is value in the quest.
The feeling you have progressed.
Worth the effort you invest.
This poem is a Welsh form called englyn milwr.
Buttonwood Art Space Artist Profile-View My Art

Thursday, July 1, 2021
Build Bridges
Build Bridges
One space has never been
reached from the other.
Build a bridge between them.
The distance remains the same
but no longer keeps them apart.