Tuesday, November 6, 2012

New Tuesday Photo Post

If you explore the right-hand border of this blog, you'll see a badge that reference's the Wordsmith Studio. Wordsmith Studio grew out of the April Platform Building Challenge on Robert Lee Brewer's My Name is Not Bob website.  This recent post by Lara Britt gives you a little history and introduces you to some of the people who have gotten this new website off the ground.

In addition to writerly groups, Wordsmith Studio has a multi-media group that includes writers who also are interested in photography. Rebecca Barray is our photography guru. The Multi-Media blog will include posts regarding craft and a photo prompt that will be posted each Thursday. I'm going  to post my response or responses to the prompt on Tuesdays.

The first prompt is Orange.  I photographed one of the most despised orange signs in existence, especially if you come upon it unexpectedly and you are already running late.

There's still time to join in the fun! Take a photo related to the theme Orange and post a link to it in the comments section of the link above. Don't forget to check in at Wordsmith Studio every Thursday for a new prompt.


  1. Oh, I do hate those signs. Great photo, Michelle!

    1. Thanks, Becca. I've had a few of these surprises this year. Thanks for the prompt.

  2. Michelle, Nice shot! It could also almost fit with today's PAD prompt. (Write a left poem and write a right poem.)

    1. Thanks, Linda. I have my left poem done, but you may just have given me a new idea for the right poem!

  3. I was just thinking the same thing Michelle. Way to combine the challenges. :)

  4. And I did write a right poem with the photo in mind!
