Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Last Post of the Year

This is my last blog post of 2018.
Before I start my holiday break,
I want to thank you for
any time you have spent here
and wish you the happiest of holidays.
See you next year.


Thursday, December 13, 2018

Winter Sun

Winter Sun

The winter sun
shines bright.
Cracks the ice
with its light.
Leaves the air
cooler than I like.


Tuesday, December 11, 2018



Can you solve
the mystery?
the who,
the how,
the where?
Process the
to come up
with the answers?
You soon find out
this game is not
child's play.

The prompt for this poem was child's toy.


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Which Way to Go

Which Way to Go

It's hard to decide
which way to go.
Follow along or strike
out on your own.
Take some time to
create a plan or
take off with no
idea where you'll land.


Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Painter

The Painter

Colors fill the sky
as though the painter
took a brush
and brightened
all around him
with his special touch.
