Tuesday, November 30, 2021

By Design

By Design

The goose rises and
spreads its wings.
The feathers grow
in many rows
and different lengths.
They make a pattern
by design.
The sight of it
gives me a lift.


Thursday, November 25, 2021

What Comes into View


What Comes into View

I'm grateful for
what comes into view.
Charmed when it's more
beautiful than I could picture.
Focus on it quickly because
it will be gone in a snap.

Happy Thanksgiving!  Thank you for letting me share some of what comes into view with you. 


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Reflections on the Pier

Reflections on the Pier

I like to walk on the pier.
It places me a few feet from shore.
Gives me a clear view of the lake.
I am not in the water,
but I'm as close as I can get.


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Slow to Change


Slow to Change

A cluster of leaves
hangs on the tree.
Most of its members
are wrapped in
their fall coats,
but others still display
patches of green.
There always are some
that are slow to change.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Water's Colors


The Water's Colors

The art of the sun
comes to light.
The lake is filled
with the hues of trees,
set off by a touch of sky.
A reflection of autumn
in the water's colors.


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Already Reached


Already Reached

The cloud spreads itself thin.
Stretches in all directions.
What do you reach for
when you've already
reached the sky?


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Behind You


Behind You

I am behind you.
Go out and find you.
Release that which confines you.
Take all the time you
need to define you.
When others malign you,
I am behind you.


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Above the Crowd


Above the Crowd

One leaf stands
above the crowd.
It is colorful 
and easily seen.
Grabs the sunlight
and catches the wind.
It also will be
the first to fall.


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

My Window on Nature


My Window on Nature

A few blocks away,
the park awaits.
What will greet me?
A class for goslings
on diving for food?
A fishing contest between
a heron and humans?
A red-winged blackbird
singing in a tree?
Amid the trappings
of the city, I have found
my window on nature.
