Monday, April 6, 2015

A Salute to #wschat

A Salute to #wschat

It's been three years
since Not Bob
introduced us to
the Twitter chat.
Many of us thought,
"What's that?"
Now, I can tell you
what it has become.
A "woohoo" when you
share good news.
Commiseration for
the rejection blues.
Laughter, especially
from the back of the class.
The option to wear or
not wear pants.
A chance to sit in
on author interviews.
Watching the same movie
and tweeting your review.
Time for us
to get together,
talk about writing,
learn to get better.
Happy Anniversary, #wschat!
Remember, we have
 the list if you need a name
for your cat (or band).

Thanks to Janice Sheridan for this week's Wordsmith Studio Creative Prompt: Homecoming--Our 3rd Anniversary. Click on the prompt link to learn  more about Wordsmith Studio. Thanks to Khara House for the anniversary badges!

Weekly #wschat Twitter chats are held Tuesdays at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m Eastern time. You don't have to be a member to join in the chat. Just search  #wschat to find the chat feed and include the same hashtag in your tweets.


Follow me on Twitter or click the Join this Site link to follow this blog. Follow Wordsmith Studio on Twitter @WordsmithStudio.


  1. I love this, Michelle! Thanks so much for being there for #wschats each week. It is one of the best parts of Wordsmith Studio.

    1. Thank you, Elissa. I'm always happy to see you there.

  2. Great poem :) Hoping for many "woohoos" to happen in the WSS community!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. We love those "woohooable" moments.

  3. I enjoyed your poem, Michelle. What a great way to pay tribute to our anniversary! One of these days I will make it to the chat. But you reminded me that I could do a hashtag search and follow later.

  4. Thanks, Romelle. I hope you can join a chat sometime soon. Remember, when you read through the feed, you're welcome to make comments and add to the conversation.

  5. Love the poem!

    The last couple years I've had trouble getting in on the chats due to work schedules but am gonna keep hope alive and see if I can attend more.
