I see faces in
places no faces exist.
Up in the clouds,
down in the water,
in between on the trees.
The more I look,
the more I see.
The less I know
what's facing me.
I see faces in
places no faces exist.
Up in the clouds,
down in the water,
in between on the trees.
The more I look,
the more I see.
The less I know
what's facing me.
The water is still
under the bridge.
Sometimes, it sits
in shadows.
Other times, it sparkles
in the sun.
As long as the bridge
is in good repair,
I can cross without
fear of falling in.
Each day is made up
of light and dark.
I think I know when
each will occur.
Then, a storm moves in
and the light is dimmed.
How long will it stay that way?
I'm uncomfortable with the
uncertainty but, so far,
brightness has always returned.
Cushion the Blow
When I fall,
others cushion the blow.
Sit with me until
I get my bearings.
They have fallen before
so they know it takes time
to get back up.
Rest Stop
The butterfly stops-flowers attract visitors.
Rest is important-blossoms are comfortable.
Wings flap in rhythm-the petals wave in the wind.
The journey will continue-honey bees buzz as they land.
I'm Stuck
I'm stuck!
The wind dropped me off
and hasn't come back
to pick me up.
So, here I'll sit
until I figure out
how to get a lift.
Hang On By A String
I don't need much
to hold me up.
A little assistance
and my own persistence.
When life is on one big downswing,
I can hang on by a string.