Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Life Can Be Slippery

Life Can Be Slippery

I am moving through

the day smoothly.

But, I don't see the wet spot.

Suddenly, I fall.

All I hold scatters.

Perhaps, some shatters.

I get back up.

Gather all I can

and begin to move again.

Click here for audio

Monday, July 22, 2024

Shelter from the Sun


Shelter from the Sun

Stand in the shade.

Keep cool that way.

Don't be afraid

of the dark.

You can still

see the light.

Click here for audio

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A Great Planter


A Great Planter

The wind is a great planter.

Its nursery is unlimited.

Tree leaves let me know

when a shipment has been delivered.

How many flowers will this batch yield?

Have they landed in a garden bed,

or will I have to move them

out of the grass?

Click here for audio

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Take In All You Can

Take In All You Can 

Don't miss what is

right in front of you.

Take in the colors.

Which ones attract you?

Which ones repel you?

Take in the lives.

Which ones are the same?

Which ones are different?

Take in all you can.

Will you come back again, or

will this be your only visit?

Click here for audio


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Stream of Storms

 A Stream of Storms

Month after month

Week after week

Lightning flashes.

Thunder claps.

Trees fall.

Water rises.

Month after month

Week after week

A stream of storms

like I've never seen.


Click here for audio

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Close to Me

Close to Me

I saw the flower from afar, but since then have kept it close to me.

Poetic Form: American Sentence invented by Allen Ginsberg.

Click here for audio